Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
You can reach our office at our headquarters in Grasbrunn near Munich by phone at +49 89 45 45 482-0 or by email at We look forward to your call or message!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
You can reach our office at our headquarters in Grasbrunn near Munich by phone at +49 89 45 45 482-0 or by email at We look forward to your call or message!
EMshield GmbH
Technopark I
Bretonischer Ring 12
85630 Grasbrunn
Tel. +49 89 45 45 482-0
Fax +49 89 45 45 482-28
Route (external link; opens Google Maps)
Roland Degois
2, Square Paul Valéry
56530 Quéven
Tel. +33 2 97 80 24 36
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